A little story for you in case you might be needing some good vibes today! And for me one of the best sources of good vibes is simply looking up at the sky: almost instant serenity.

a few of my favorite things: surround yourself with moodboosters



Lately I have been quite fond of strawberry milk.

I would pass through different phases like these. First my comfort food was milktea (and it was for a very long time), then it was french fries, and then potato chips — you get the picture.

Seoul as seen from Namsan Tower! Yes, there is no strawberry milk in this picture…at that point I had not developed the capacity to resist strawberry milk long enough to take a picture before drinking it all. My apologies.

But my liking for strawberry milk is something special. I suppose it’s because I associate it with early morning visits to Korean convenience stores with my family, to have some ramyeon, strawberry milk, and jellies for “breakfast.” To me, despite the varied and undoubtedly delicious dishes Korean cuisine has to offer, strawberry milk will always be the taste of Seoul.

Such is my liking for strawberry milk that I chose it as the theme for my February bullet journal spreads (and I’ve refrained from including a picture here because I’m rather shy — I’m not much of an artist).

My criteria for bullet journal themes is quite simple. First, it has to be doable. This means I can actually decorate my journal with my very limited artistic skill, and do so while still living at the pace I need to as I create my daily logs and note down all my tasks. And second, it has to make me smile.

And this is what I wanted to write about and share with you today.

My bullet journal themes have ranged from lyrics from my favorite songs by my favorite artists, to Japanese Ukiyo-e art (because I had some stickers, and who doesn’t love some Hokusai prints?), to simply my favorite color (yellow) everywhere. And some washi tape here and there.

I started to notice that I had this habit of surrounding myself with little things that make me smile and help me feel better. As trivial as these things seem, and as silly as it seems to want to be surrounded by — in my case — cute/pretty/sparkly things, in a day and age such as this, the capacity to give your smile a little help each day is a powerful asset.

So I’ve decided to share my collection of favorite things with you, in the hopes that you get a few ideas. Maybe you can start a collection, too!

Try doing something with your hands!

Those who know me personally are aware I had a small business selling scrunchies to raise funds for various charities late last year. It was such an enriching experience, because so many layers of meaning and loving went into making something seemingly inconsequential: something you use to tie your hair. Making scrunchies was a form of self-care for me because it soothed my usually turbulent thoughts. On top of that, I loved the moments I spent at our family dining-table-turned-scrunchie-factory. I loved being with my sisters, even if we would at times spend extended periods in complete silence. I loved making accessories that I knew people would use to add a splash of color to their outfits, and imagined them putting our scrunchies on with a smile. I loved working with my hands, because doing repetitive tasks like this somehow made my mind so much clearer than it usually is, so it also became it so easy for me to pray. Then of course there was the whole point of the business: raising funds for typhoon victims and those we knew who were having difficulties with distance learning.

One of my three amigurumi whales. This is the smallest, Soapy, whom I’ve attached to my phone. The others are named Shamu (shampoo) and Condi (conditioner)…corny, I know. Soapy also holds my ring (contact me if you wanna know what shop it’s from, would love to let you know business to support!) in the Faith design, a reminder to myself that, as Ben&Ben put it, “all will be alright in time.”

Other activities that I’ve taken up that usually quiet my thoughts and feelings include crocheting little animals or characters (called “amigurumi,” and true to form, I have begun crocheting myself a little bottle of strawberry milk), crocheting and making earrings, trying calligraphy — VERY heavy emphasis on trying — and when I get enough time, baking.

Dress yourself up a little!

Now that many of us attend classes and work from home, the simple joy of thinking of your outfit for the day has become more or less irrelevant, depending on your personal situation.

I’ve been mostly at home this past year because of the lockdown, and my opportunities to go out of the house are few and far between. When I do go out, it’s mostly to walk or bike, and I don’t dress myself up much apart from making sure my workout clothes are presentable.

But I’ve found that it really cheers me up to add a little color to my face by putting on lip tint or lipstick, even if I’m just at home. I’ve also taken to putting on nail polish, a rather therapeutic activity in itself. Seeing colors I like on my hands has also led me to be more aware of what my hands are doing: washing fruits, holding a glass, typing at my laptop, you name it.

Some of the earrings I’ve been wearing at home! Clockwise from the top, Meiji Apollo chocolates, fried eggs, ladybugs, pink fish, and sunflowers. (Some of these are from small businesses — get in touch with me and I’d love to let you know where you can get these!)

I’ve also started to wear earrings at home, even when I’m not in Zoom calls or Google Meets. Cute, funky designs like the ones pictured here catch my eye as I stand in front of the mirror, washing my hands at the sink (an activity we should be doing very often these days!), and help me to give myself a quick smile to cheer myself on.

As I’ve mentioned, my favorite color is yellow, and just wearing a shirt in that color makes me feel so much more ready to face the challenges of the day.

Leave yourself little reminders!

Of what, you ask? It can be anything, actually!

For those whose love language is words of affirmation, post-its are a wonderful way of reminding yourself of things that loved ones have told you, of little epiphanies about yourself and life in general that you’d like to remember throughout the day, or of healthy habits you’re trying to form (like drinking water, stretching after sitting at a desk for some time, and things like this).

My two pens and their sparkling stickers! In the background, my bullet journal — my being a noob bullet journal is rather evident. But what works, works! To the right of my pens are lyrics of one of my favorite songs, which I put on the pages of my journal to help my smile when it needed helping.

Stickers are particularly convenient moodboosters. My pens have little glittery sparkle stickers on their caps, and I see them every time I pick them up to write. I also have a sticker on the back of my phone and two more on my laptop. I associate the stickers on my laptop — stickers of bibimbap and assorted Korean street food that you’d find in Myeongdong — with our family trip to Korea two years ago, and these memories always bring a smile to my lips.

Another option is to change your computer desktop background or phone home screen and lock screen to a picture that you find encouraging, maybe one of the people you love or of a quote that inspires you. I personally try to keep all my phone apps at the very top of the screen, and my desktop files to the sides, so that I have a clear view of the picture I’ve chosen.

My thesis buddies: Mama Mary, two beautiful rosaries (get in touch with me if you want your own!!!), a holding cross, and various amigurumi projects.

And since I’ll be sharing this on my Facebook and Instagram accounts, I know many of those who might click on this story — and let me thank you as early as now for your time! — are familiar with the practice of keeping something that helps you to pray close by. Whether it be a crucifix, a rosary, a picture or stampita of your favorite image of Mama Mary or your favorite saint, those are definitely good reminders that will give your mood a good boost.

Try your hand at making lists!

Another way of collecting things that make you smile that doesn’t have to do with collecting actual, physical objects is to make a “collection” in written form. Though some say that writing things down helps you remember them better, my memory has been horrible lately, so what I try to do is write things down where I can see them often.

In my bullet journal, I’ve started a list called “enjoy the now.” In it I’ve started enumerating things that are somehow unique to this very strange time in each of our lives. I think everyone’s personal and professional plans for the future were upset in some way by this current pandemic. Though it does help to tell yourself, “when the pandemic is over I’ll meet up with friends and family again/get that PhD/travel to (insert destination here)” sometimes this makes the wait for that future moment even more agonizing. In anticipating future joys, may we not forget that there are things to delight in, even now.

If it weren’t for the current setup I have, for example, I wouldn’t be able to blast my playlist of choice as I work on my thesis. I wouldn’t be able to see my immediate family members for each and every meal. I wouldn’t be able to have my morning coffee outside the front door, watching sunlight filter through the trees. These little things would have been impossible if not for the current situation.

Of course, that in no way diminishes the difficulties that each of us are going through, and the many privations that those who are less fortunate are suffering. Is enjoying the above-mentioned things somehow consenting to or condoning all the terrible things that have happened and that are happening during these times? I don’t think so. The way I see it, we need to find these little joys in the everyday to safeguard our sanity. We need to get out of these difficult times healthy and whole, to be able to do what we can to make sure this never happens again in the future. And why wait for these difficult times to end? For those who have ways of already trying to ensure a better future for themselves and those who will come after us, it’s never too early to start. But to do this at all, we have to be, as aforementioned, healthy and whole.

Besides the “enjoy the now” list that I try to write, I also have a monthly section in my bullet journal, in which I record the highlight of each day. These are varied as “I was able to catch up with a friend today” to “I really enjoyed my workout this morning” to “convo with the family over lunch.” Somehow it also creates a mental attitude to find the good in each day, especially once writing in that list becomes a habit.

Use all your senses!

I started this story by talking about strawberry milk, and I don’t think I need to elaborate on how our sense of taste and our comfort foods have the capacity to make us feel better! But anyway, being conscious of each of my senses made me realize that there are more reasons for me to smile than I thought.

In addition to many “visual cues” that I’ve already mentioned, being surrounded by the color yellow is a definite moodbooster! I have a favorite pair of pajamas that I usually wear on nights that I spend finally reading that book I’ve been meaning to get to or after a particularly tiring day. I also like looking up at the view of the sky I have from the window beside my desk if I can’t go outside for the day.

One sunny afternoon I washed some fruits and found their reds, oranges, and yellows so pretty that I couldn’t resist taking a picture!

I’ve also started taking pictures more often — when I’m out walking or biking, yes, but even when I’m just doing random things around the house and see that the sunlight hitting a chair or maybe some fruits looks particularly pleasing. Besides pictures like these, I’ve started trying to take at least one picture a day to remind myself of the little moments or events unique to each day that gave me a reason to smile or laugh. This habit I’m trying to form has the same reasoning behind it as my “enjoy the now” list in my journal. There is something beautiful, something we can rejoice in, today — right now! — even if 2021 sometimes seems like 2020 ver. 2.

It also helps to use our sense of smell to find those elusive good vibes. What may immediately come to mind is a scented candle or two, but there are other ways open to us! For instance, I’ve found it very helpful to be aware of the smell of my bedsheets and of my shampoo. The latter is particularly comforting, since it’s like walking around with a personal cloud of lavender!

As for the sense of touch, like the ubiquitous scented candle, one may think of weighted blankets. Again, however, that isn’t the only way — one is as simple as asking a loved one for a hug! I have an agreement with my little sister that I won’t ask for hugs too much, except for when I’m having a bad day, and she’s pretty satisfied with this arrangement. During this pandemic I have also found that it helps to have a giant hoodie in which to cram for deadlines or to enjoy a movie/kdrama/documentary with my family.

And lastly, the sense of hearing is perhaps the easiest for many of us nowadays, besides moodboosters involving our sense of sight. Listening to songs by our favorite artists or playlists as we work, if that’s not too distracting, is always an option open to us. Even the prospect of making playlists is exciting, at least for me! I’m no pro at doing this, but I’ve found the attempt itself to be quite fun!

Sometimes though, it also helps to enjoy the silence. I’m lucky enough to hear many birds chirping in the mornings I take walks outside. I had downloaded a podcast to listen to during my walk, but for the first few minutes the sounds of the birds and the wind in the trees were enough to make me forget the fatigue of walking.

Get out of the house, or at least a change of air!

If you’ve read Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, you’d know that Rodya (the novel’s main character) is the poster boy for the need to get that change of air lest one put one’s very sanity at stake. If your circumstances allow it, it would be good to get a breath of fresh air (through a mask of course) regularly. For those who can: walk, bike, run, or drive!

The sight that greeted me during a morning walk a few weeks ago. Though it’s hard at times, I try not to concentrate on distance or time goals when I’m outside, but to enjoy the air, the sun, and the wind instead.

I know though, that this is way more easily said than done. Sometimes our mental disposition just isn’t the best, and getting out of the house is such a burdensome task. There was a time during the pandemic that the only times I’d go out of the house for about two months was when I’d disinfect the doorknobs of the house and therefore step out the front door for a few seconds.

So what to do? When I finally could convince myself to do it, what I tried was getting a change of air, but still inside my house. I’d move to a different table after a week, so that the mental associations particular areas have don’t get too heavy to “carry,” so to speak. Sometimes, even just standing instead of sitting at our computers (with a few books or boxes underneath to get the right height) can work wonders!

Connect with people!

First of all there are the people around me: my parents and siblings. I’m lucky to have the kind of relationship I do with my parents. Some days I’m not okay with hugs, but when I am they’re ready to give me these and more. They check on me all the time, and are proud of me when I manage to exercise — they’re firm believers in exercise as a moodbooster!

I love conversations with my siblings about anything at all. I don’t know if it shows on my face, but whenever they come close to me with sheepish grins to ask about school (again), or they yell “Ate!!!” as they look for me around the house, I have a warm feeling in my chest (…which is probably love? HAHA). Whether it’s occasional rants about the government or excitement over shared interests, any and all of these exchanges are precious to me.

I’ve also loved reconnecting with friends during this time. As an intensely introverted person, initially I was relieved because the quarantine meant I didn’t have to go through social interactions that I found so exhausting. But this pandemic has run for so much longer than we all anticipated that even I missed all my face-to-face conversations with my friends and acquaintances. Those rare moments when a close friend and I are both online and give each other a quick life update, or when a friend who I haven’t heard from in a while messages me and we get to catch up are really highlights of my days.

…and that’s all for now! It was a rather long read, thank you so much for reading this far! This started out as an extended note-to-self, actually. I’m happy that it became a full-fledged Medium story, and I really hope that it helps you, or even your family and friends, to find sources of abundant good vibes for whenever you need them.

Take care, dear reader. May you not be short of sunshine — the literal kind and the figurative kind! Here’s to surrounding ourselves with moodboosters. Until next time!




An aspiring historian and teacher working through her MA and her MDD.